Backyard Trampoline Safety

Backyard Trampoline Safety

FYI: Studies show the majority of injuries (70%) happen on the bed and (30%) as
a result from falls off the bed.
Injury Prevention:

1. Avoid KNEE DROPS, this skill has common injuries to the
lower back and neck because children arch their back and don’t remember to
engage their core. Suggest Doggie Drops on their hands and knees without
allowing their backs to sway.

2. “Bum Drops” are very popular, be sure they use
both hands one on either side of their hips and their fingers face their toes. Note:
When their fingers turn away from their body there is a great risk to
hyperextending their elbows.

3. TWO FOOT RULE, always have your children
bounce with two feet, better for balance and less likely to roll an ankle or injure
their knees.

4. Only allow one person on the trampoline at one time.