Now that summer is almost over and the new school year right around the corner I am looking forward to getting back on a regular schedule for me and my son!
Gone will be the late summer nights, trips to the icescream shop and saying okay to "just one more treat" to your kids.
I would like to share with you the benefits of MILA for your kids. We all know how important Omega 3's are for brain development but getting your kids to take fish oil is less than easy. Mila is a plant based Omega 3 with does convert to EPA/ DHA. The fact is anyone can buy chia seeds but Mila's strain of chia has been proven well above the norm for fiber, selenium, zinc and other antioxidants as well as iron.
Personally my son has very low iron where his body does not have to ability to retain any iron he intakes through diet so he has to take a supplement daily. The down side is iron supplements are very constipating and that can be very unconfrontable for his little tummy. MILA has been his saving grace keeping his digestive tract in true form even with the supplement of iron. I have also found he is sleeping better and less highs and lows throughout his day.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about MILA and would like to try some with your family!
Be well & live well,